
This area of SEDEMA has the purpose of cooperating with the protection of the environment, social progress, the integral development of the individual and the community.

This area of SEDEMA has the purpose of cooperating with the protection of the environment, social progress, the integral development of the individual and the community.

Our activities are carried out by a qualified body of professionals committed in different areas, who spread the different programs aimed at preserving the environment, in addition to assistance in the areas of: health, employment, economic development, cultural, social housing, human development that benefits in improving the quality of life, children, youth, family and community. Likewise, training and social and labor orientation.

We have an area of innovation and studies from which we provide advice on social projects, evaluation and measurement of social impact.

We focus on supporting human resources in all its disciplines.


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Love for nature for the Reforestation of our dry forest of the Chiquitanía.

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